Pasta on the go

Ive definatley been eating more pasta, whether it be at work, home or on the train. Pasta is a simple dish, but it can be the best meal of your day with the right food mixed in.

Pasta is fortified with folic acid which is important throughout our lives, believe it or not in a womans childbearing years, folic acid is a key nutrient before conception because it helps to prevent birth defects. In addition, there is new evidence that folic acid may protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

For body builders, it can be a meal packed with carbs and protein depending on what you do with it, i personally mix tuna and sweetcorn in the past, but you can literally throw anything in the bowl and it will be a nice treat for your taste buds.

If you havent already, give it a go! Take a look here for some good pasta recipes. on the go digg:Pasta on the go spurl:Pasta on the go wists:Pasta on the go simpy:Pasta on the go newsvine:Pasta on the go blinklist:Pasta on the go furl:Pasta on the go reddit:Pasta on the go fark:Pasta on the go blogmarks:Pasta on the go Y!:Pasta on the go smarking:Pasta on the go magnolia:Pasta on the go segnalo:Pasta on the go

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One Response to “Pasta on the go”

  1. mike says:

    How do i determine a 600 carb per/day meal or meals? Or is there a calculating formula? ie. A can of beans says on the label 30% glucides. does that mean 300 carb? Sorry iam confused by the terms and how to determine the appropiate serving sizes. Help would greatly be appreciated.

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